Best desktop for small business 2017
Best desktop for small business 2017

With virtual desktops, you can continue to use your existing devices to run the solution no matter how old they are, as all the power comes from the hardware in the data centre. Traditional infrastructures are expensive, maintenance heavy and require regular upgrades to keep up with technology. This means that for startups, there is no need to invest in a server, nor do you need to buy every employee the most up-to-date computer to work on.Ĭost Savings on Virtual Desktop Solutions For Small BusinessĪ significant reduction in IT spend is one of the main advantages of virtual desktops for small businesses. Hosted desktops work on the basis that there is a cost per month, per user, and you don’t require state-of-the-art devices to run it. The ability to access your desktop from anywhere, on any device means that as your business grows, you can relocate to new premises without the hassle of moving servers and you can access your applications, emails and data outside the office on the most up-to-date versions of software, for no additional cost! Additionally, if you open more than one premises, your staff can work between multiple sites and have completely same experience no matter which branch they are at. With a hosted desktop, you can work from home, then when the business grows and you move to a business premises there is no need to worry about buying expensive IT infrastructure, you just need your laptop and an internet connection to carry on working.

best desktop for small business 2017

Instead of purchasing expensive servers and licenses, you get access to the entire infrastructure you need, for a simple monthly price per user. There is no need for great investment in IT infrastructur e. Our hosted virtual desktop is the perfect solution for start-ups and small businesses. When these devices get lost, stolen or fail, business critical information can be lost or destroyed and can have a serious, damaging, costly and lasting effect on your business, its operations and its reputation. Some very small businesses will run of just local devices with no local server or network and with no backups whatsever.

best desktop for small business 2017

If you’ve been faced with a clunky, slow and unstable remote desktop in the past, rest assured today’s solutions are different.

best desktop for small business 2017

Since the early days of Citrix remote desktops, hosted desktops have come a long way. Traditional IT has always been focused on in-house server technology, however cloud technology and virtual desktops have taken centre stage in recent years. When cash flow is so critical, it’s sensible to only buy what you really need, especially as a start-up business, this is where Virtual Desktop Solutions For Small Business come in.īusinesses have the difficult decision between investing in costly servers or going down the virtual desktop route. In the early months of a new venture, you could spend thousands of pounds kitting out your office, and you’ll only need to buy more as the months go on. IT equipment is one of the biggest sources of capital expenditure that many small businesses are required to invest in.

Best desktop for small business 2017